Collaborative Group of Landowners Affected by Pipelines (CGLAP)This is NOT an anti pipeline message. We encourage you as a landowner to contact this page and supply an email address to receive further details. Most likely commencing next fall, there will be in excess of a month of major construction in many area's of Abbotsford. Currently there are two pipelines that go through the Bradner and Mt Lehman communities. The Enbridge Gas line is south of Downes Road near the Aberdeen region and crosses Downes Road while the Trans Mountain enters Bradner from just north of 58th Ave. crossing over to north of Starr Road and exits close to Lefuevre and McTavish. Any of you receiving this message already know of our landowner advocacy group known as CGLAP, that being an acronym for the Collaborative Group of Landowners Affected by Pipelines. Our membership of 65 local landowners, for the most part have never been anti-pipeline, but that aspect is changing due to a predatory law of the taking of land but not with a legal appropriation. In regard to the two CER regulated pipelines in the Fraser Valley, the land use restrictions have QUADRUPLED.. going from an easement with a width of 18 metres to 72 meters of restricted property use. If you have either the Spectra - Enbridge Natural gas pipeline or the Trans Mountain pipeline on or even close to your property, please contact me via email. CGLAP has commenced a grievance over this taking of land without compensation or consideration and no adequate consultation. Please keep in mind, this is NOT an anti pipeline message. Lastly, I urge you share this message as this new Damage Prevention Regulation affects all of Canada, since June 2016. Yet no one really knows of it unless you commence work on your land and are approached by one of these two pipeline companies asking you to stop. CGLAP is an advocacy voice that will protect the interest of landowners with having a CER (formerly the NEB) Regulated pipeline. CGLAP is currently challenging the Prescribed Area (Safety Zone). Our goal is to remove it or compensate us. Mt Lehman, BCBrian Kingman, September 2012 As time marches on, some of the pioneer landmark names seem to disappear from our written history. For some reason, in early British Columbia, naming of treacherous hills seemed to be in vogue. For example, the old King George Highway through Surrey had two notorious hills. One known as the Woodward hill rising from the Mud Bay region to past Highway 10 and the Petersen Hill which started at Whalley’s Garage and ended at the Pattullo Bridge. The old Hope-Princeton Highway had the infamous “Whip-Saw Hill” the bane of many early travelers. The Fraser Canyon with its’ famous “Jack-Ass Mountain hill.
This event has been cancelled due to the current public health situation related to COVID19.
The next meeting of the Mt. Lehman Garden Club is on Thursday, February 20th at 7 pm at the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. This month our speaker is Margaret Cadwaladr giving a presentation on the Social History of Darts Hill Garden in Surrey. Reminder - this month is annual membership renewal time - fees still the same at $20 for a single and $25 for a family. New members and visitors are always welcome! For information, contact Maureen @ 604-856-2851
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