Join the Mt Lehman Garden Club's Plant Sale, Saturday May 11, 2024, 9am - Noon @ the Mt Lehman Community Hall. CASH only. Contact Maureen at 604-856-2851 for more info!
The Mount Lehman Garden Club is hosting a PLANT SALE on Saturday May 13, 2023, 9am - Noon! The sale will be at the Mount Lehman Community Hall parking lot. All plants are grown and donated by the Mount Lehman Garden Club members. There will also be a table with garden books and related items for purchase. CASH ONLY! Contact Maureen @ 604-856-2851 for more info!
It’s spring again! Where has the year gone! The Mt Lehman Garden Club is having another annual virtual plant sale!
The Mt. Lehman Garden Club has organized a virtual spring plant sale as their annual fundraiser! A wide selection of perennials and an amazing selection of tomato plants (23 varieties! Non-GMO) have been donated by garden club members.
We keep our prices low! Thank-you for your support! Maureen Homenuke, Mt. Lehman Garden Club This meeting is CANCELLED. We have cancelled the meeting based on the recommendations from the health authorities to help control the spread of Covid-19 For further info contact Maureen at 604-856-2851
The next meeting of the Mt. Lehman Garden Club is on Thursday, February 20th at 7 pm at the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. This month our speaker is Margaret Cadwaladr giving a presentation on the Social History of Darts Hill Garden in Surrey. Reminder - this month is annual membership renewal time - fees still the same at $20 for a single and $25 for a family. New members and visitors are always welcome! For information, contact Maureen @ 604-856-2851
Happy New Year to Mt. Lehman Garden Club members! Our next meeting will be Thursday January 16th, 2020 at 7pm @ the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. Our speaker for the evening will be Mark Sweeney, giving a presentation on Asparagus. New members and visitors are always welcome! For further information, contact Maureen at 604-856-2851.
The Mt. Lehman Garden Club’s next meeting is on Thursday, November 21st, 2019 at 7pm @ the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. Our presentation this month will be on ‘Cacti of California’ by our own Cheryl Louden. The presentation will be followed by our traditional ‘Sweet and Savoury Potluck Christmas Social’! New members and visitors are always welcome! For further information, contact Maureen at 604-856-2851.
I hope all you gardeners out there have had a good year and a great harvest! The Mt. Lehman Garden Club’s next meeting will be Thursday, October 17th, 2019 at 7pm at the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. Our speaker for the evening will be Alpine Garden Club of BC member, Ron Long, giving a presentation on ‘Flowers of Chile’. Please come and join us. New members and visitors are always welcome! For further information, contact Maureen at 604-856-2851.
The next meeting of the Mt. Lehman Garden Club will be held on September 19th, 2019 @ 7pm at the Mt. Lehman Community Hall. The speaker this month will be arborist Wyatt Sjodin, giving a presentation on Trees. New members and visitors are always welcome! For further information, contact Maureen @ 604-856-2851
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